Monday, January 14, 2013


You are dispatched for a 23 y/o M having a seizure. Upon your arrival, the patient has stopped seizing, but the patient is post-stiktal. Patient's vitals are as follows; BP: 136/88, pulse: 104, RR: 10, SpO2: 95% RA, Sugar: 83. According to the patients family, the patient has never had a seizure before. You continue to interview the family, and obtain the following information; NKDA, no meds, no medical history. You continue to ask the family if the patient has had a recent trauma to the head or back, and the patient's sister states that he fell yesterday and hit his head on the floor. You prep your patient for transport, and perform the following interventions; IV access, oxygen via NC @ 2 LPM, ECG monitor (sinus tach), and spinal immobilization due to him falling again. As you load the patient in to the ambulance, the patient begins to had another seizure. You immediately draw up 5mg of Diazepam (Valium) and give IVP. The does stop seizing just a minute later. You decide to do a rapid transport to the hospital, and code the patient in as a priority 2. The patient's vitals do remain stable during transport, and his continues to remain post-stiktal during transport.

How does Diazepam work:
- Diazepam works by depressing the central nervous system by interrupting the GABA sites, thus educing CNS depression.

Dose for Diazepam:
- Seizures (Adult) 2-10mg (0.05mg/kg)
- Sedation (Adult) 1-5mg (0.05mg/kg)
- Seizures (PEDS) 0.05 mg/kg (MAX 5mg)

Indications for Diazepam:
- Seizure and sedation

Contraindications for Diazepam:
- Allergy to drug

Side Effects for Diazepam:
- Respiratory depression, hypotension, and sedation

Routes for Diazepam:
- IV, IO, IM

Onset/Duration for Diazepam:
- 1 minute / 2 hours

- Pregnancy Class D (will harm fetus, so be cautious in pregnant patients)

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